Web 2.0 Expo 2007 - San Francisco
Just returned from Web 2.0 Expo.
Not the first O'Reilly conference for me, and not the best one. Yes a lot of interesting presentation, but "Web 2.0" brand has overgrown initial excitement. 5 "new" implementations of Wiki doesn't turn me on well enough.
As I'm now deeply in performance tranches there were several interesting presentations on the topic, such as this one.
Geographic Distribution for Global Web Application Performance Speaker(s): Jacob Rosenberg
Sure AOL has a lot to share about WAN optimization.
My internal post-conference presentation is not scheduled yet. Will see.
On personal note - this was the first time I've combined conference with family trip - spent long weekend before conference with family and friends in San Francisco, they went home and I've worked on the conference. The kids love SF not less than me...